

Programming education application “Yokoshiki” was published in an elementary school textbook.

  • Programming education application “Yokoshiki” was published in an elementary school textbook.

This book was published by an educational publisher as a teaching material for the 2020 6th grade science class “Electricity and Our Lives”.
We were involved in the planning and design of the product to answer the question, “What kind of program is needed to make the LEDs flash? We were involved in the planning, design and development of the programming education application “Yoko” to answer the question, “What kind of program do we need to make the LEDs flash? Expressions”, students can go through the stages of learning and deepen their learning of both programming and unit content. It is.

Programming education application

A science programming education app that is easy to use for both teachers and learners!

Click here for more information on Yokoshiki




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